【區塊鏈英文學習】渣打銀行預測:比特幣價格將在 2024 年底達到 12 萬美元 - 05

更新於 2023/7/21 下午12:36:06





Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s largest cryptocurrency by market value, could rise to $50,000 by the end of this year and up to $120,000 by end-2024, Standard Chartered Bank said in a research report on Monday.

The British multinational bank increased its bitcoin price forecast from the $100,000 predicted in April. Standard Chartered said at the time that Bitcoin had the potential to reach that level because of several factors, one of them being the banking-sector crisis.

Bitcoin has climbed 80% since the start of the year and is currently trading around $30,100.

The report cites increased Bitcoin miner profitability as one of the factors that will drive the price this time.

Increased miner profitability per bitcoin mined means miners can sell less of their output while maintaining cash inflows, reducing net bitcoin supply and thus pushing the prices higher, according to the report.


Part 1

Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s largest cryptocurrency by market value, could rise to $50,000 by the end of this year and up to $120,000 by end-2024, Standard Chartered Bank said in a research report on Monday.

渣打銀行週一在一份研究報告中表示,按市值計算,全球最大的加密貨幣比特幣 (BTC) 可能會在今年年底升至 50,000 美元,到 2024 年底升至 120,000 美元。

比較級、最高級 + by xxxx 根據xxx更、最⋯

up to sb. 取決於某人 It’s up to you

up to 數字 最高可達xxx

Part 2

The British multinational bank increased its bitcoin price forecast from the $100,000 predicted in April. Standard Chartered said at the time that Bitcoin had the potential to reach that level because of several factors, one of them being the banking-sector crisis.

這家英國跨國銀行將比特幣價格的預測從 4 月份的 10 萬美元上調。渣打銀行當時表示,由於多種因素,比特幣有可能達到這一價格水平,其中原因之一就是銀行危機。

multinational 跨國的 adj、跨國公司 n

forecast 預測

at the time

at that time

  • “At the time”:通常用於描述在敘事的當下或同一時間段內發生的情況,或者在引用過去的情況與現在的情況進行比較時使用。
  • “At that time”:通常用於指向一個較遠或較具體的過去時間點或時間段。


factor 因素,要素

sector 部門,領域,行業

Part 3

Bitcoin has climbed 80% since the start of the year and is currently trading at around $30,000.The report cites increased Bitcoin miner profitability as one of the factors that will drive the price this time.

自今年年初以來,比特幣已上漲 80%,目前交易價格約為 30,000 美元。該報告指出,比特幣礦工的盈利能力的提高是此次推動價格上漲的原因之一。

cite 引用,舉例

profitability 盈利能力 

Part 4

Increased miner profitability per bitcoin mined means miners can sell less of their output while maintaining cash inflows, reducing net bitcoin supply and thus pushing the prices higher, according to the report.


output 產量,產出

inflow 流入

thus 如此,這樣一來


  • multinational 跨國的 adj、跨國公司 n
  • forecast 預測
  • factor 因素,要素
  • sector 部門,領域,行業
  • cite 引用,舉例
  • profitability 盈利能力
  • output 產量,產出
  • inflow 流入
  • thus 如此,這樣一來

