【區塊鏈英文學習】香港對散戶開放虛擬貨幣交易,Hashkey 交易所獲得首張牌照 - 09

更新于 2023/8/30 11:32:18





HashKey Exchange has won Hong Kong’s first crypto exchange licenses under a new regime that allows exchanges to serve retail customers.

HashKey Exchange, a unit of digital asset financial services firm HashKey Group, announced the license on Thursday, saying it can now expand its business scope to retail users in addition to the professional investors it has been serving. 

Under the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance, individual professional investors are required to have a portfolio of not less than HK$8 million (or its equivalent in foreign currency) as of the relevant date. 

Corporate professional investors are required to have a portfolio of not less than HK$8 million (or its equivalent in foreign currency) or total assets of not less than HK$40 million (or its equivalent in foreign currency) as of the relevant date.


Part 1

HashKey Exchange has won Hong Kong’s first crypto exchange license under a new regime that allows exchanges to serve retail customers.

HashKey 交易所在允許交易所為散戶提供服務的新制度下獲得了香港的首張虛擬貨幣交易所牌照。

exchange 交换;交易所

crypto exchange 虛擬貨幣交易所

stock exchange 股票交易所

license 证照,牌照

regime 制度;政权

serve 服务 v.

service 服務 n.

retail customer 零售客户,散户

Part 2

HashKey Exchange, a unit of digital asset financial services firm HashKey Group, announced the license on Thursday, saying it can now expand its business scope to retail users in addition to the professional investors it has been serving. 

數字資產金融服務公司 Hashkey 集團的子公司 Hashkey 交易所於週四宣佈獲得牌照,稱除了一直服務的專業投資者之外,現在可以將業務範圍擴大到散戶(零售用戶)。

expand 扩张,扩大

scope 范围;规模

in addition to 除了,另外

Part 3

Under the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance, individual professional investors are required to have a portfolio of not less than HK$8 million (or its equivalent in foreign currency) as of the relevant date. 

根據香港證券及期貨條例的規定,個人專業投資者需要在相關日期內擁有不少於港幣 800 萬元(或等值外幣)的投資組合。

Security 安全;安保人员

Securities 证券

Future 未来

Futures 期货

Ordinance 法令,条例

individual 个人,独立个体

portfolio 公文包;作品集;投资组合

equivalent  等值的

foreign currency 外汇,外币

as of 有以下三个意思,需要根据上下文推测具体意思

  • 自…起;
  • 截止…时候;
  • 在…时候

Part 4

Corporate professional investors are required to have a portfolio of not less than HK$8 million (or its equivalent in foreign currency) or total assets of not less than HK$40 million (or its equivalent in foreign currency) as of the relevant date. 

企業專業投資者需要在相關日期內擁有不少於港幣 800 萬元(或等值外幣)的投資組合,或總資產不少於港幣 4000 萬元(或等值外幣)。


  • exchange 交換;交易所
  • license 證照,牌照
  • regime 制度;政權
  • serve 服務
  • retail customer 零售客戶,散戶
  • expand 擴張,擴大
  • scope 範圍;規模
  • in addition to 除了,另外
  • Security 安全;安保人員
  • Securities 證券
  • Future 未來
  • Futures 期貨
  • Ordinance 法令,條例
  • individual 個人,獨立個體
  • portfolio 公文包;作品集;投資組合
  • equivalent 等值的
  • foreign currency 外匯,外幣
  • as of 自…起;截止…時候;在…時候

