【區塊鏈英文學習】Bybit 員工盜取约 420 万 USDT - 07

更新于 2023/8/16 12:16:34





ByBit remunerates its employees with traditional currency, cryptocurrency, or a mixture of both. Ms. Ho was responsible for the payroll processing of ByBit’s employees. 

On 7 September 2022, ByBit discovered that eight unusual cryptocurrency payments had been made, involving large payments of USDT into four Addresses. In total, 4,209,720 USDT had been transferred.

ByBit had discovered that Ms. Ho had made several substantial purchases from July 2022, including a freehold penthouse apartment with her husband, a brand new car, and several Louis Vuitton products.

The core of Ms. Ho’s defense is that Jason Teo, her maternal cousin, stole the Crypto Asset from ByBit without her knowledge. She did not receive or benefit from them as the Wallets associated with the four Addresses are owned and controlled by Jason alone.

I accept on a balance of probabilities the inference that ByBit seeks to draw from the totality of the evidence that Jason does not exist (or at any rate did not play the role asserted for him by Ms Ho). 

While some people are sceptical of the value of crypto assets, it is worth keeping in mind that value is not inherent in an object. While we speak of expensive materials, with gold being more valuable than wood, this is a judgment made by an aggregate of human minds. It is also a judgment that varies with circumstances. A wooden chair that can float is more valuable on a ship that is sinking than a golden throne would be.


Part 1

ByBit remunerates its employees with traditional currency, cryptocurrency, or a mixture of both. Ms. Ho was responsible for the payroll processing of ByBit’s employees. 

On 7 September 2022, ByBit discovered that eight unusual cryptocurrency payments had been made, involving large payments of USDT into four Addresses. In total, 4,209,720 USDT had been transferred.

ByBit 使用傳統貨幣、加密貨幣或兩者混合的方式來支付員工報酬。何女士負責 ByBit 員工的工資處理。

在 2022 年 9 月 7 日,ByBit 發現 8 筆不尋常的加密貨幣付款,涉及向 4 個地址支付大筆 USDT。總計已轉出 4,209,720 USDT。

remunerate 報酬,補償

mixture 混合,混合物

be responsible for 對⋯負責

payroll 薪資名單,工資表

process 過程,處理

4,209,720 的讀法是 4 million, 2 hundred (and) 9 thousand, 7 hundred (and) 20

裡面的 and 可有可無

Part 2

ByBit had discovered that Ms. Ho had made several substantial purchases from July 2022, including a freehold penthouse apartment with her husband, a brand new car, and several Louis Vuitton products.

ByBit 發現, 從 2022 年 7 月開始,何女士進行了幾筆大額購買,其中包括與她丈夫一起購置一間永久產權的頂層公寓、一輛全新的汽車以及幾件 LV 的產品。

substantial 大量的,重要的

purchase 購買

freehold 永久產權

penthouse 頂層公寓

brand new + 名詞,強調這個東西是全新的

Part 3

The core of Ms. Ho’s defense is that Jason Teo, her maternal cousin, stole the Crypto Asset from ByBit without her knowledge. She did not receive or benefit from them as the Wallets associated with the four Addresses are owned and controlled by Jason alone.

何女士辯護的核心是,她的堂兄弟 Jason Teo 在她不知情的情況下從 ByBit 竊取了這些加密資產。她並未收到或從中受益,因為與這四個地址相關聯的錢包僅由 Jason 獨自擁有和控制。

core 核心

defense 防禦,辯解

maternal 母親的,母性的

maternal cousin 母親這邊的表兄弟姐妹

paternal cousin 父親這邊的堂兄弟姐妹

associate 聯繫,關聯,夥伴

by sb alone 強調某人單獨、獨自一人的情況

Part 4

I accept on a balance of probabilities the inference that ByBit seeks to draw from the totality of the evidence that Jason does not exist (or at any rate did not play the role asserted for him by Ms Ho). 

在權衡可能性之後,本庭接受 ByBit 試圖從全部證據中得出的推論,即 Jason 不存在(或者至少沒有扮演何女士所聲稱的角色)。

inference 推斷,推論

seek 尋求,尋找

evidence 證據

at any rate 至少,好歹

assert 斷言,堅稱

Part 5

While some people are sceptical of the value of crypto assets, it is worth keeping in mind that value is not inherent in an object. While we speak of expensive materials, with gold being more valuable than wood, this is a judgment made by an aggregate of human minds. It is also a judgment that varies with circumstances. A wooden chair that can float is more valuable on a ship that is sinking than a golden throne would be.


sceptica(英)、skeptical(美) 懷疑的,多疑的

inherent 固有的,內在的

judgment 判斷

aggregate 合計,總計

circumstance 情況

sink 下沉

throne 王座,寶座


  • remunerate 報酬,補償
  • mixture 混合,混合物
  • payroll 薪資名單,工資表
  • process 過程,處理
  • substantial 大量的,重要的
  • purchase 購買
  • freehold 永久產權
  • penthouse 頂層公寓
  • core 核心
  • defense 防禦,辯解
  • maternal 母親的,母性的
  • associate 聯繫,關聯,夥伴
  • inference 推斷,推論
  • seek 尋求,尋找
  • evidence 證據
  • assert 斷言,堅稱
  • sceptical、skeptical 懷疑的,多疑的
  • inherent 固有的,內在的
  • judgment 判斷
  • aggregate 合計,總計
  • circumstance 情況
  • sink 下沉
  • throne 王座,寶座

