【區塊鏈英文學習】FTX 破產團隊的最新報告稱:交易所欠客戶 87 億美元 - 02

更新于 2024/10/15 14:10:00





A new report from the FTX team that’s digging through the financial guts of the failed exchange said the company owed its customers $8.7 billion after commingling and misusing their deposits, and senior executives started hiding that trouble as early as August 2022.

About $6.4 billion of the money the FTX.com exchange owed its customers was “in the form of fiat currency and stablecoin that had been misappropriated,” according to the report filed on Monday. About $7 billion in liquid assets have been recovered so far, and those searching the company’s assets “anticipate additional recoveries.”

“The image that the FTX Group sought to portray as the customer-focused leader of the digital age was a mirage,” said John J. Ray III, the CEO who is trying to recover money for creditors, in a statement. “From the inception of the FTX.com exchange, the FTX Group commingled customer deposits and corporate funds, and misused them with abandon at the direction and by the design of previous senior executives.”

The 33-page review is the second filed by Ray after he’d detailed an initial examination in April that provided a number of revelations of improper activity under founder and former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s watch. Bankman-Fried is facing a number of criminal charges set for an October trial in New York.

The company’s senior executives, including Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of FTX’s trading affiliate Alameda Research, knew as early as August of 2022 that the firm owed more than $8 billion to customers, and it didn’t have the money, according to Ray’s report.

“They did not disclose the shortfall, but at that time, for the first time, they created a sham customer account on FTX.com to reflect the hidden fiat currency liability,” as described in the document. “To minimize the risk of scrutiny, the FTX Senior Executives and Ellison referred to this sham account only as ‘our Korean friend’s account.’ The account reflected that their ‘Korean friend’ owed the FTX.com exchange $8.9 billion.”


Part 1

A new report from the FTX team that’s digging through the financial guts of the failed exchange said the company owed its customers $8.7 billion after commingling and misusing their deposits, and senior executives started hiding that trouble as early as August 2022.

FTX 團隊的一份新報告深入挖掘了這家失敗的交易所的財務細節,稱該公司在混用和濫用客戶存款後欠客戶 87 億美元,而高管們早在 2022 年 8 月就開始隱瞞這一問題。

dig 挖掘 v.

gut 消化道;腸胃;直覺 n.

My head said that I should go, but my gut said I should stay.


guts 五臟六腑;勇氣

內臟是在肚子裡面,從外面看不到的,所以此處的 Financial guts 是指一些不為人知的財務內幕。

owe 欠債,欠感情 v.  IOU = I owe you 借條、欠條

commingle 混用(錢)v. – sth between sth。

misuse 錯用,濫用 v.&n. the misuse of power 濫用權力

deposit 入金,存款

withdraw 出金,提款

senior executive 高管 

as early as 早在⋯時候

Part 2

About $6.4 billion of the money the FTX.com exchange owed its customers was “in the form of fiat currency and stablecoin that had been misappropriated,” according to the report filed on Monday. About $7 billion in liquid assets have been recovered so far, and those searching the company’s assets “anticipate additional recoveries.”

根據周一提交的報告,FTX.com 交易所欠其客戶的資金中,約有 64 億美元是“以法定貨幣和穩定幣的形式被挪用”。迄今為止,已追回約 70 億美元的流動資產,而那些搜尋該公司資產的人“預計還會追回更多資產”。

fiat currency 法定貨幣、法幣

stablecoin 穩定幣 n.

穩定幣是指與法幣、貴金屬、商品等1比1錨定的虛擬貨幣。比如 USDTUSDC 就是最常見的美金穩定幣。

misappropriate 挪用;盜用;侵吞 v.

“misappropriate” 通常用於描述對資金的不當處理,特別是當涉及欺詐或盜竊時;而 “misuse” 是一個更泛泛的術語,用於描述任何形式的不正確或不當使用。

file 文件,文檔 n. 把⋯歸檔;提出(訴訟);發送(報導)v.

The police filed charges against the two suspects.


liquid 液體 n. 現金的,容易變現的,流動的 adj.

liquidity 流動性 n.


anticipate 預期,期望;預料 v.

recovery 恢復(健康、正常);找回,尋回 n.

Wish you a speedy recovery.


Part 3

“The image that the FTX Group sought to portray as the customer-focused leader of the digital age was a mirage,” said John J. Ray III, the CEO who is trying to recover money for creditors, in a statement. “From the inception of the FTX.com exchange, the FTX Group commingled customer deposits and corporate funds, and misused them with abandon at the direction and by the design of previous senior executives.”

“FTX 集團試圖將自己描繪成數字時代以客戶為中心的領導者的形像是一個海市蜃樓,”試圖為債權人追回資金的首席執行官約翰·J·雷三世 (John J. Ray III) 在一份聲明中表示。 “從 FTX.com 交易所成立之初,FTX 集團就將客戶存款和公司資金混合在一起,並按照前任高管的指示和設計肆意濫用它們。”

sought 是 seek 的過去形式。

seek 尋找;試圖 v.

portray 描述 v.

mirage 海市蜃樓,蜃景,幻景 n.

creditor 債權人,債主 n. / debtor 借方,負債者,債務人 n.

statement (正式的)聲明;(銀行)對帳單 n.

inception 成立,創立 n.

with abandon 放縱地,肆意地,不顧一切

We danced with wild abandon.


at the direction of 根據…的指示

by the design of 按照…的計劃

Part 4

The 33-page review is the second filed by Ray after he’d detailed an initial examination in April that provided a number of revelations of improper activity under founder and former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s watch. Bankman-Fried is facing a number of criminal charges set for an October trial in New York.

這份長達 33 頁的報告是 Ray 在 4 月份詳細介紹了初步審查後,所提交的第二份審查報告,該報告揭露了創始人兼前首席執行官 Sam Bankman-Fried 監督下的一系列不當活動。SBF 目前面臨多項刑事指控,將於 10 月份在紐約接受審判。

initial 開始的,最初的 adj.

initial price 初始價格,通常用來形容某個幣在最開始的 ICO 價格或 IEO 價格。

revelation 暴露;被揭示的真相 n. a moment of revelation 真相大白的一刻

improper 不正當的,錯誤的,違規的 adj.

charge 收費;指控 v.

trial 審判;試用 n. trial funds 體驗金 

trail 小道,軌跡,線索 n.

此處需要注意,體驗金的英文是 trial funds,不是 trail funds。

Part 5

The company’s senior executives, including Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of FTX’s trading affiliate Alameda Research, known as early as August of 2022 that the firm owed more than $8 billion to customers, and it didn’t have the money, according to Ray’s report.

根據 Ray 的報告,該公司的高管,包括 FTX 交易子公司 Alameda Research 前首席執行官 Caroline Ellison 早在 2022 年 8 月就知道,該公司欠客戶超過 80 億美元,而且自己沒有這筆錢。

affiliate 隸屬機構,分支機構 n.  常用來表示代理、合夥人、等可以帶來大量新用戶註冊的合作夥伴,並且會分出新用戶的收入的 50-60% 甚至更多。

與之類似的 referral 通常是指邀請好友的活動,通常針對只介紹自己周邊三四個夥伴的人,獎勵也較少。

Part 6

“They did not disclose the shortfall, but at that time, for the first time, they created a sham customer account on FTX.com to reflect the hidden fiat currency liability,” as described in the document. “To minimize the risk of scrutiny, the FTX Senior Executives and Ellison, referred to this sham account only as ‘our Korean friend’s account.’ The account reflected that their ‘Korean friend’ owed the FTX.com exchange $8.9 billion.”

根據文件中描述:“他們沒有披露資金缺口,但當時,他們首次在 FTX.com 上創建了一個虛假的客戶賬戶,以反映隱藏的法幣負債。” “為了最大程度地降低審查的風險,FTX 高管和 Caroline Ellison 將這個虛假賬戶稱為‘我們韓國朋友的賬戶’。該賬戶顯示他們的‘韓國朋友’欠 FTX.com 交易所 89 億美元。”

disclose 公開,公佈;透露,揭露 v.

shortfall 不足之數;缺口;差額 n.

sham 假像;騙局;假冒者;冒牌貨 n.

liability (法律上對某事物的)責任,義務;負債 n.

minimize 最小化,弱化 v. customize 訂製,客製化

scrutiny 細看,仔細審查 n.


  • dig 挖掘 
  • gut 消化道;腸胃;直覺
  • owe 欠債,欠感情
  • commingle 混用(錢) 
  • misuse 錯用,濫用  
  • deposit 入金,存款
  • withdraw 出金,提款
  • stablecoin 穩定幣
  • misappropriate 挪用;盜用;侵吞
  • file 文件,文檔 / 把⋯歸檔;提出(訴訟);發送(報導)
  • liquid 液體 / 現金的,容易變現的,流動的
  • anticipate 預期,期望;預料
  • recovery 恢復(健康、正常);找回,尋回
  • seek 尋找;試圖
  • portray 描述
  • mirage 海市蜃樓,蜃景,幻景
  • creditor 債權人,債主 
  • debtor 借方,負債者,債務人
  • statement (正式的)聲明;(銀行)對帳單
  • inception 成立,創立
  • initial 開始的,最初的
  • revelation 暴露;被揭示的真相
  • improper 不正當的,錯誤的,違規的
  • charge 收費;指控
  • trial 審判;試用 
  • affiliate 隸屬機構,分支機構 
  • disclose 公開,公佈;透露,揭露
  • shortfall 不足之數;缺口;差額
  • sham 假像;騙局;假冒者;冒牌
  • liability (法律上對某事物的)責任,義務;負債 
  • minimize 最小化,弱化 
  • scrutiny 細看,仔細審查

