【區塊鏈英文學習】美國前總統川普持有超 280 萬美元的虛擬貨幣 - 10

更新于 2024/10/15 14:07:42





The former president and leading Republican candidate for next year’s election held $2.8 million in a cryptocurrency wallet as of early August, according to official documents governmental ethics watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington received Monday.

The new finding shows that Trump is even more invested in crypto than earlier filings showed. CoinDesk reported earlier this week that Trump disclosed up to $500,000 held in digital assets according to a government document dated April 14.

Following the fresh disclosures, blockchain research firm Arkham Intelligence said the former president is the likely owner of an address on the Ethereum blockchain with a total $2.8 million stash in ETH. Trump also holds minor amounts in wETH, MATIC, and USDC stablecoin, per Arkham’s profile.


Part 1

The former president and leading Republican candidate for next year’s election held $2.8 million in a cryptocurrency wallet as of early August, according to official documents governmental ethics watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington received Monday.

根據政府道德監督機構 – 華盛頓公民責任與道德組織於週一收到的官方文件,截至 8 月初,前總統和明年大選的共和黨候選人川普在他的加密貨幣錢包中持有 280 萬美元。

former 前任

president 總統

former president 前總統

Republican 共和黨,美國兩大黨之一,川普所處的黨派。

另一大黨派是 Democratic Party 民主黨,拜登所處的黨派。

candidate 候選人

election 選舉

ethic 道德

watchdog 看門狗,同guard dog;監督人,監督機構

citizen 居民

Part 2

The new finding shows that Trump is even more invested in crypto than earlier filings showed. CoinDesk reported earlier this week that Trump disclosed up to $500,000 held in digital assets according to a government document dated April 14.

新發現表明,特朗普對加密貨幣的投資比之前的文件顯示的還要多。CoinDesk 本週早些時候報道稱,根據 4 月 14 日的一份政府文件,特朗普披露了高達 50 萬美元的數字資產。

filing 檔案,文件

disclose 披露 v.

disclosure 披露 n.

Part 3

Following the fresh disclosures, blockchain research firm Arkham Intelligence said the former president is the likely owner of an address on the Ethereum blockchain with a total $2.8 million stash in ETH. Trump also holds minor amounts in wETH, MATIC, and USDC stablecoin, per Arkham’s profile.

​​在新的披露之後,區塊鏈研究公司 Arkham Intelligence 表示,這位前總統可能是以太坊區塊鏈上 1 個地址的所有者,該地址總共存有 280 萬美元的 ETH。根據 Arkham 的資料,特朗普還持有少量 wETH、MATIC 和 USDC 穩定幣。

fresh 新鮮的,新的

intelligence 智力,智慧;情報,情報人員

likely 可能

stash 存放,藏匿(大量的)

minor 次要的,輕微的,少量的

wETH: wrapped ETH

stablecoin 穩定幣

profile 資料,個人檔案


  • former 前任
  • president 總統
  • former president 前總統
  • Republican 共和黨
  • candidate 候選人
  • election 選舉
  • ethic 道德
  • watchdog 看門狗,同guard dog;監督人,監督機構
  • citizen 居民
  • filing 檔案,文件
  • disclose 披露 v.
  • disclosure 披露 n.
  • fresh 新鮮的,新的
  • intelligence 智力,智慧;情報,情報人員
  • likely 可能
  • stash 存放,藏匿(大量的)
  • minor 次要的,輕微的,少量的
  • wETH: wrapped ETH
  • stablecoin 穩定幣
  • profile 資料,個人檔案

